Tag Archives: Prince of Peace

The King We Did Not Expect, Yet the King We Needed

When Jesus was born, many among His own people were waiting for a different kind of king—a conqueror draped in royal splendor, leading armies to overthrow their oppressors. They longed for a Messiah who would march into Jerusalem with power and force, casting off the chains of Roman rule and restoring Israel to earthly greatness. But God’s plan was far greater than their expectations.

Jesus did not come to reign over an earthly kingdom bound by time and borders. He came to establish an eternal kingdom ruled by justice, peace, and righteousness. The throne He claimed was not gilded in gold but a cross of shame, for He came not to conquer lands but to conquer sin and death because the Prince of Peace reigns forever.

This was not the King they had envisioned. Many sought power, yet He came in humility. They desired a warrior, yet He came as a servant. They expected liberation from Rome, yet He offered liberation from the deeper bondage of sin. The government upon His shoulders is not an earthly administration but the eternal rule of God’s justice and mercy. In His birth, God declared that His ways are not our ways, and His thoughts far surpass our understanding (Isaiah 55:8 AMP).

But the beauty of God’s plan is this: while many missed the King in the manger because He did not meet their expectations, for those with eyes to see and hearts to believe, He was everything they needed and more. He still is. The Prince of Peace did not come to meet our shallow desires but to provide what we desperately lack: forgiveness, peace, and eternal life, as the Prince of Peace reigns now and forever.

On this Christmas morning, let us marvel at the paradox of our Savior’s arrival. He did not come with armies or splendor, but in the humility of a manger. God Almighty wrapped in fragile flesh, born to redeem the broken, the lost, and the weary. Yet, within this seeming frailty lies the power to shatter sin, conquer death, and restore peace to a divided world.

This is the King we needed. The One who rules with love, humility, and power forevermore. Will you bow before Him today? Will you let His justice heal your wounds and His righteousness cover your sins? Let this Christmas not be about fleeting traditions but about eternal transformation found in Christ, acknowledging forever the reign of the Prince of Peace.

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom He is well-pleased! (Luke 2:14 AMP).

A Prayer for Christmas Day:

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ. On this day, we celebrate the wonder of His birth, the power of His name, and the majesty of His kingdom. Let us remember that the Prince of Peace reigns forever, and let our hearts be filled with gratitude and awe as we reflect on Your love made manifest in Him. Help us to see past our own desires and expectations, and embrace the King You have given us. May we proclaim His name boldly and live in the peace and righteousness He brings. Let us press into You and seek Your face, more of You and less of us. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

See Also

Names and Titles of God in the Bible

  1. Advocate (Parakletos) – 1 John 2:1
  2. Author of Eternal Salvation (Aitios Soterias Aioniou) – Hebrews 5:9
  3. Author and Finisher of Our Faith (Archegos Kai Teleiotes Tes Pisteos Hemin) – Hebrews 12:2
  4. Branch of YHWH (Netser YHWH) – Isaiah 4:2
  5. Chief Shepherd (Archipoimenos) – 1 Peter 5:4
  6. Chosen One (Bechir) – Isaiah 42:1; Matthew 12:18
  7. Christ (Mashiach/Christos) – Matthew 16:16; Mark 8:29; Luke 9:20
  8. Commander (Nagid) – Isaiah 55:4
  9. Consolation of Israel (Paraklesis Israel) – Luke 2:25
  10. Counselor (Yo’etz) – Isaiah 9:6
  11. Creator (Bara) – John 1:3
  12. Dayspring from on High (Anatole Ex Hypsous) – Luke 1:78
  13. Desire of All Nations (Chemdat Kol HaGoyim) – Haggai 2:7
  14. Door of the Sheep (HaPetach HaTzon) – John 10:7
  15. Emmanuel (Immanu-El) – Matthew 1:23
  16. Everlasting Father (Avi’ad) – Isaiah 9:6
  17. Faithful and True Witness (Martus Ho Pistos Kai Alethinos) – Revelation 3:14
  18. Firstborn from the Dead (Prototokos Ek Ton Nekron) – Revelation 1:5
  19. First and the Last (HaRishon VeHaAcharon) – Revelation 1:17
  20. Forerunner (Prodromos) – Hebrews 6:20
  21. Glory of YHWH (Kevod YHWH) – Isaiah 40:5
  22. God (Elohim/Theos) – John 1:1; Romans 9:5; Revelation 22:13
  23. Good Shepherd (HaRo’eh HaTov) – John 10:11
  24. Head Over All Things (Rosh HaKehillah) – Ephesians 1:22
  25. Heir of All Things (Yoresh HaKol) – Hebrews 1:2
  26. Holy One (Qadosh/Kadosh) – Mark 1:24; Acts 3:14
  27. Holy Servant (Avdecha HaKadosh) – Acts 4:27
  28. Horn of Salvation (Keren Yeshu’ah) – Luke 1:69
  29. I AM (Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh) – John 8:58
  30. Image of God (Tzelem Elohim) – 2 Corinthians 4:4; Colossians 1:15
  31. Judge of Israel (Shofet Yisrael) – Micah 5:1
  32. Just One (HaTzaddik) – Acts 3:14; Acts 7:52
  33. King of Kings (Melech HaMelachim) – 1 Timothy 6:15; Revelation 19:16
  34. King of the Jews (Melech HaYehudim) – Matthew 2:2; John 19:19
  35. Lamb of God (Seh HaElohim) – John 1:29
  36. Last Adam (Adam HaAcharon) – 1 Corinthians 15:45
  37. Leader (Nagid) – Isaiah 55:4
  38. Light of the World (Or HaOlam) – John 8:12
  39. Lord (Adon/Adonai/Kyrios) – Isaiah 40:3; Jeremiah 23:6; Luke 2:11
  40. Lord of All (Adon Kol) – Acts 10:36
  41. Lord of Glory (Adon HaKavod) – 1 Corinthians 2:8
  42. Lord of Lords (Adon HaAdonim) – 1 Timothy 6:15; Revelation 19:16
  43. Man of Sorrows (Ish Makovot) – Isaiah 53:3
  44. Mediator (Metavekh) – 1 Timothy 2:5
  45. Messenger of the Covenant (Malach HaBrit) – Malachi 3:1
  46. Messiah the Prince (Mashiach Nagid) – Daniel 9:25
  47. Mighty God (El Gibbor) – Isaiah 9:6
  48. My Beloved (Y’didi) – Matthew 12:18
  49. My Lord and My God (Adoni VeElohai) – John 20:28
  50. Nazarene (Netzer) – Matthew 2:23
  51. Only Begotten (Yachid) – John 1:14; John 1:18
  52. Prince of Life (Sar HaChayim) – Acts 3:15
  53. Prince of Peace (Sar Shalom) – Isaiah 9:6
  54. Prophet (Navi) – Matthew 21:11; Acts 3:22
  55. Redeemer (Go’el) – Job 19:25; Isaiah 41:14; Isaiah 60:16
  56. Resurrection and the Life (HaTechiyah VeHaChayim) – John 11:25
  57. Righteousness (Tzidkenu) – Jeremiah 23:6
  58. Rock Eternal (Tzur Olamim) – Isaiah 26:4
  59. Root and Offspring of David (Shoresh VeTzemach David) – Revelation 22:16
  60. Rose of Sharon (Chavatzelet HaSharon) – Song of Solomon 2:1
  61. Ruler (Moshel) – Micah 5:2
  62. Savior (Moshi’a) – Isaiah 60:16; Luke 2:11
  63. Seed of the Woman (Zera HaIsha) – Genesis 3:15
  64. Servant (Eved) – Isaiah 42:1; Matthew 12:18
  65. Shepherd (Ro’eh) – 1 Peter 2:25
  66. Shiloh (Shiloh) – Genesis 49:10
  67. Son of Abraham (Ben Avraham) – Matthew 1:1
  68. Son of David (Ben David) – Matthew 1:1
  69. Son of God (Ben Elohim) – Matthew 14:33; Mark 1:1; John 1:49
  70. Son of Man (Ben Adam) – Matthew 8:20; Luke 9:58
  71. Stone (Even) – Psalm 118:22
  72. Sun of Righteousness (Shemesh Tzedakah) – Malachi 4:2
  73. The Amen (Amen) – Revelation 3:14
  74. The Beginning and the End (HaRishon VeHaAcharon) – Revelation 22:13
  75. The Firstborn (Bechor) – Revelation 1:5
  76. The Glory of YHWH (Kevod YHWH) – Isaiah 40:5
  77. The Holy One of Israel (Q’dosh Yisrael) – Isaiah 41:14
  78. The Just One (HaTzaddik) – Acts 7:52
  79. The Judge (Shofet) – Micah 5:1
  80. The Light of the World (Or HaOlam) – John 8:12
  81. The Lord (Adonai) – Luke 2:11; Acts 10:36
  82. The Messiah (HaMashiach) – Daniel 9:25; John 1:41
  83. The Nazarene (HaNatzri) – Matthew 2:23
  84. The Prophet (HaNavi) – Matthew 21:11
  85. The Root of David (Shoresh David) – Revelation 5:5
  86. The Shepherd (Ro’eh) – John 10:11; 1 Peter 2:25
  87. The True Bread (Lechem Emet) – John 6:32
  88. The True Vine (Gefen Emet) – John 15:1
  89. The Way, The Truth, and The Life (HaDerekh, HaEmet, VeHaChayim) – John 14:6
  90. The Word (HaDavar) – John 1:1; John 1:14
  91. The Word of God (D’var Elohim) – Revelation 19:13
  92. True Light (Or HaEmet) - John 1:9
  93. True Vine (Gefen HaAmittit) - John 15:1
  94. Vine (Gefen) - John 15:1
  95. Way, Truth, and Life (Derekh, Emet, VeChayim) - John 14:6
  96. Word (Davar) - John 1:1
  97. Word of God (D’var Elohim) - Revelation 19:13

See Also