Tag Archives: personal holiness

Psalm of Holiness and Cleansing

O Lord, You have called us to be holy,
A people set apart for Your name,
To walk in the light of Your presence,
And to live blameless before Your throne.
(Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 1:16)


Search my heart, O God, and purify me,
Cleanse me from secret faults and hidden sins,
For in Your sight, nothing is concealed,
And by Your word, my soul is made clean.
(Psalm 139:23-24; Hebrews 4:13; Psalm 119:9)

As Joshua commanded the people to sanctify themselves,
So I come before You, seeking cleansing,
Washing in the waters of Your grace,
That I may be pure in Your holy presence.
(Joshua 7:13; 2 Timothy 2:21; John 13:8)


Like Naaman dipped in Jordan’s stream,
I immerse myself in Your mercy’s flood,
That my flesh and spirit might be renewed,
And my life reflect Your holiness, O Lord.
(2 Kings 5:14; Hebrews 10:22; Ephesians 5:27)

By the blood of Christ, I am sanctified,
By His word, my heart is purified,
So I will walk in the way of righteousness,
And offer my life as a living sacrifice.
(Hebrews 10:14; John 15:3; Romans 12:1)


With the Psalmist, I declare,
“How can a young man keep his way pure?
By guarding it according to Your word,
By hiding Your truth deep in his heart.”
(Psalm 119:9; Psalm 119:11)

Remove from me every defilement of flesh and spirit,
And perfect holiness in the fear of You,
That I may be a vessel for honorable use,
Set apart, holy, and useful to You, my Master.
(2 Corinthians 7:1; 2 Timothy 2:21)

Create in me a clean heart, O God,
And renew a right spirit within me,
Lead me in paths of holiness and truth,
That I may stand blameless on the day of Your coming.
(Psalm 51:10; 1 Thessalonians 5:23)


For You have called us to be holy, as You are holy,
To present our bodies as a living sacrifice,
Holy and acceptable to You, O Lord,
This is our spiritual act of worship.
(Leviticus 19:2; Romans 12:1)

So I will cleanse my hands and purify my heart,
I will draw near to You, and You will draw near to me,
I will forsake the unclean thing,
And walk in the purity of Your love.
(James 4:8; 2 Corinthians 6:17)

O Lord, may I be found spotless and blameless,
When You return in glory to judge the earth,
For You have promised to wash away our sins,
And remember them no more, forever.
(2 Peter 3:14; Jeremiah 31:34)

Let Your holiness be my delight,
Let Your righteousness be my guide,
For I am Yours, and You are mine,
Now and forever, O holy God. Amen.
(Psalm 93:5; Psalm 96:9)


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