Tag Archives: love God

A Call to Love

God is love. Not merely loving, not simply affectionate—He is love itself. Every act of love, every whisper of kindness, every drop of mercy finds its source in Him. And this love is not distant, not theoretical, but real, tangible, and available to you now to abide in His love.

Yeshua said, “The one who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will reveal Myself to him.” (John 14:21, NASB)

Do you hear the promise in His words? To love Yeshua is to be loved by the Father. To walk in this love is to have the Son reveal Himself to you. It is the invitation of all invitations—to step into the love that has existed before time itself, the perfect love of the Trinity, and abide in it.

The Father has loved the Son from eternity past, and the Son has loved the Father with that same holy, boundless love. The Spirit Himself is love poured out. This is the love that created the heavens and the earth, the love that sent Yeshua to the cross, the love that calls your name today to abide in His eternal love.

Yet, how often do we settle for lesser loves? The fleeting approval of men, the empty comforts of this world, the shallow affections that never satisfy. But God calls you to something greater. He calls you to Himself. He calls you into His love.

“We love, because He first loved us.” (1 John 4:19, NASB) He wants us to abide in His love.

You are not the initiator of love—you are the recipient. God pursued you first. Before you ever turned your heart toward Him, He set His love upon you. And He does not love as man loves. His love is not weak, not hesitant, not dependent on your worthiness. No, His love is relentless, consuming, eternal.

And now, He calls you to love in return.

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” (Matthew 22:37, NASB)

This is not a suggestion—it is the greatest commandment. To love Him is to give Him everything. Not just words, not just duty, not just Sunday mornings, but your whole heart, your whole soul, your whole mind. A love that costs you nothing is no love at all. Real love is poured out when you abide in it.

So what holds you back? Fear? Distractions? A divided heart? Tear down the walls. Lay aside the idols. Step into the love you were created for. The love that satisfies, the love that heals, the love that transforms.

Yeshua is waiting. His arms are open. His heart is calling. Abide in His love.

Will you answer?

A Prayer of Surrender

Father, I come before You, longing to know Your love more deeply. I lay down every distraction, every false love, every fear that keeps me from fully loving You. Fill me with Your Spirit, that I may love You with all my heart, soul, and mind. Help me abide in His love. Reveal Yeshua to me, that I may walk in the fullness of Your love.

Let my life be a response to the love You have already given. Let me love as You love. Let me know You as You desire to be known.

In Yeshua’s holy name, Amen.

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