Tag Archives: God’s Plan

What Are You Holding On To?

Beloved, hear the call of the Lord to surrender all that weighs you down, for breakthrough begins when you lay down what hinders. Have you forgotten that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion? (Philippians 1:6 AMP). He has called you to cast off every burden and run with endurance the race set before you (Hebrews 12:1). But to do this, you must search your heart. 

What are you holding on to that is keeping you from Him?

Let me speak plainly to you, dear one, for we are all tempted to cling to things that do not satisfy. These are the idols that rise up, silently taking the place of God in your heart. You may not see them at first, but they steal your devotion and rob you of the fullness of His peace. Examine yourself and ask:

Use the below list along with one of our cornerstone Blogs: Hearing the Voice of God.

Have You Made an Idol of Comfort?

Do you seek ease above obedience? The Lord has not called you to a life of ease but to walk by faith, even when it requires sacrifice. Do not cling to what is safe when God calls you to step into the unknown.

Do You Trust in Your Own Strength?

Are you trying to control your life instead of trusting the One who holds all things in His hands? Beloved, do not lean on your understanding. Lay down your self-reliance and let God be your guide.

Are You Seeking the Approval of Man?

Have you sought the praises of others more than God’s approval? Remember, man’s fear is a snare, but those who trust in the Lord are safe (Proverbs 29:25). Lay down the need to please others and live only for His glory.

Do You Cling to Possessions?

Are you storing up treasures on earth while neglecting the treasures of heaven? Lay down the grip of materialism and find your security in Him who owns everything. It is written: “What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?” (Mark 8:36 AMP).

Are You Distracted by Busyness?

Are you so consumed with your schedule that you have neglected the secret place? He waits for you, longing to speak to your heart. Lay down your striving and find rest in Him.

Do You Hold on to Bitterness?

Are you harboring unforgiveness, clinging to the wounds of the past? Lay them at the feet of Jesus, for He has forgiven you much. Do not let resentment build a wall between you and the grace of God.

Are You Bound by Fear?

Does fear of the future or the unknown keep you from trusting Him fully? Lay down your anxiety and remember His promise: “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God” (Isaiah 41:10 AMP).

Do You Idolize Relationships?

Have you placed someone above the Lord in your heart? Even the most precious relationships must never take His rightful place. Surrender them to Him and trust that He will bless them in His time.

Do You Long for the Past?

Are you clinging to the pain of yesterday or the comfort of a bygone season? Beloved, do not look back, for the Lord is doing a new thing. Forget what lies behind and press on toward what lies ahead (Philippians 3:13–14).

The Call to Lay It Down

Jesus invites you to come, to lay down your burdens, and to find rest for your soul (Matthew 11:28–30 AMP). The idols you cling to are chains, but He has come to set you free. Take them to the cross—your fear, pride, comfort, and possessions—and leave them there. Only when you are empty of these things can you be filled with His presence. Let Him be the treasure of your heart.

Beloved, this is His promise: “He who comes to Me will never be hungry, and he who believes in and cleaves to and trusts in Me will never thirst” (John 6:35 AMP). Trust Him to be enough. Trust Him to complete the work He has begun in you.

A Prayer of Surrender

Lord, I come before You, weary from carrying burdens I was never meant to bear. I lay down my idols—my fears, my pride, my distractions—and I ask You to take Your rightful place in my heart. Reveal what I have clung to that is keeping me from You. Teach me to trust You fully and to walk in the freedom of Your peace. Let me decrease, Lord, so that You may increase. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Beloved, what is He calling you to lay down today? Do not delay, for the breakthrough you seek is on the other side of surrender. He is faithful to finish what He has started in you. Trust Him. Seek Him. Walk with Him.

See Also

The above was actually written yesterday. Last night and this morning after considering the list, the Holy Spirit suggested to me that the original list I had written was better than the one I scheduled to be published this morning. I have included the original below. Perhaps I tried to make it less convicting because I struggle with #3?

1. Comfort and Convenience

• Do you prioritize your routines, safety, or personal ease over stepping out in faith?

• Are you avoiding challenges or sacrifices God is calling you to make?

2. Control and Self-Reliance

• Are you trying to manage every detail of your life instead of surrendering to God’s sovereignty?

• Do you rely on your own strength to “fix” situations instead of trusting Him?

3. Approval and People-Pleasing

• Do you crave validation from others instead of being satisfied with God’s love and acceptance?

• Are your decisions guided by what others think rather than by God’s will?

4. Materialism and Possessions

• Are you clinging to financial stability, your home, or other assets for security?

• Has the pursuit of wealth or status overshadowed your devotion to God?

5. Busyness and Productivity

• Do you measure your self-worth by how much you accomplish or how busy you are?

• Are you prioritizing work, hobbies, or even ministry over spending time in God’s presence?

6. Relationships

• Have you placed your spouse, children, friends, or mentors in a higher position in your heart than God?

• Are you letting others’ opinions or needs take precedence over seeking God’s will?

7. Pride and Personal Identity

• Are you valuing your achievements, titles, or roles more than your identity as a child of God?

• Do you struggle to admit weaknesses or ask for help, fearing vulnerability?

8. Fear and Anxiety

• Are you letting fear of the unknown, failure, or loss dictate your decisions?

• Do you dwell on worries instead of surrendering them to God in prayer?

9. Tradition and Legalism

• Do you hold on to religious rituals or rules as a substitute for a real relationship with God?

• Are you more focused on “doing church” than being the Church in your daily life?

10. Unforgiveness and Resentment

• Are you holding grudges or harboring bitterness that blocks God’s grace in your life?

• Do you find it hard to let go of past offenses and walk in the freedom of forgiveness?

11. Social Media and Entertainment

• Are you spending too much time scrolling through social media or consuming content that distracts you from God’s presence?

• Are cultural trends and entertainment shaping your priorities more than God’s Word?

12. Comfort in Sin

• Are you compromising in “small” areas of sin or excusing behaviors that dishonor God?

• Do you justify attitudes or habits like gossip, envy, or indulgence?

13. The Past

• Are you dwelling on past mistakes, successes, or seasons of life, rather than moving forward with God?

• Do guilt, shame, or nostalgia keep you from embracing God’s present calling?

14. The Future

• Are you obsessing over plans, ambitions, or fears about what lies ahead?

• Do you trust in your own vision for the future instead of seeking God’s guidance?

The Forgiveness of God

Beloved, let your heart rejoice in this truth: God is faithful and just to forgive our sins when we confess them and turn from them (1 John 1:9 AMP). He does not hold your failures against you, nor does He condemn you for your weaknesses. Instead, He offers His mercy, washing you clean and removing your transgressions as far as the east is from the west (Psalm 103:12 AMP). When you bring your sins to the cross and surrender them to Jesus, He takes them upon Himself, breaking every chain that binds you. There is no sin too great, no stain too deep, that His blood cannot cleanse. In His forgiveness, He offers not only freedom but also the power to walk in newness of life. Do not carry the weight of shame or guilt another moment—run to Him, for He is waiting to embrace you with open arms.

A Prayer of Freedom

Lord, I thank You for Your unfailing mercy and grace. I bring my sins before You, confessing them fully and asking for Your forgiveness. Wash me clean, Lord, and teach me to walk in Your ways. Help me to trust in Your love and power to make me new. Thank You for taking my burdens and giving me freedom in You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

The Golden Chain of Salvation

The “Golden Chain of Salvation,” as presented in Romans 8:29-30, outlines a profound sequence in God’s redemptive plan: foreknowledge, predestination, calling, justification, and glorification. This passage has sparked deep theological discussions within the Christian church, especially between Charismatic and Fundamentalist viewpoints. By exploring these perspectives and embracing the divine mysteries involved, we gain a richer understanding of salvation.

At the core of this passage is the affirmation that God is intimately involved in every aspect of our salvation. Understanding the original Greek terms used by the Apostle Paul adds depth to our comprehension.

Foreknowledge: God’s Timeless Insight and Human Free Will

“For those whom He foreknew…” (Romans 8:29)

The Greek word for “foreknew” is proginōskō (προγινώσκω), which implies an intimate, relational knowledge rather than mere foresight. Since God exists outside of time, He perceives all moments simultaneously. He sees our entire lives and knows all our free will decisions without causing them. This understanding aligns with the Arminian View of Simple Foreknowledge.

  • Unified Perspective: Both Charismatics and Fundamentalists acknowledge that God’s foreknowledge doesn’t interfere with human freedom. We possess genuine free will, and God’s eternal nature allows Him to know our choices without predetermining them. This mystery bridges the gap between divine omniscience and human responsibility, emphasizing that God’s knowledge encompasses all time while respecting our free will.

Predestination: Harmonizing God’s Sovereignty and Human Freedom

“He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son…” (Romans 8:29)

“Predestined” comes from the Greek proorizō (προορίζω), meaning to determine or ordain beforehand. The concept of Compatibilism offers a way to understand this mystery.

  • Unified Perspective: Compatibilism asserts that God’s sovereignty and human free will are compatible. God ordains all that happens, but humans still act freely in accordance with their desires. Charismatics emphasize the transformative journey empowered by the Holy Spirit, where believers actively participate in becoming Christ-like. Fundamentalists focus on God’s sovereign plan, trusting that His purposes prevail. Together, they affirm that while God has a sovereign plan, our free choices play a real and meaningful role within that plan.

Calling: God’s Universal Invitation and Our Response

“And those whom He predestined, He also called…” (Romans 8:30)

The term “called” is translated from kaleō (καλέω), signifying an invitation or summons. This aligns with the concept of Universal Calling with Human Response.

  • Unified Perspective: God’s call goes out to all people through the Gospel, but it requires a personal response. The Holy Spirit convicts hearts, inviting individuals to accept or reject the message. Charismatics often experience this calling as a powerful encounter facilitated by the Holy Spirit, while Fundamentalists emphasize the importance of responding to God’s Word as presented in Scripture. Both agree that God’s grace enables us to respond, yet doesn’t coerce our decision, highlighting the mystery of how divine initiation and human response work together in salvation.

Justification: A Holistic Transformation Empowered by the Holy Spirit

“And those whom He called, He also justified…” (Romans 8:30)

“Justified” comes from the Greek dikaioō (δικαιόω), meaning to declare righteous. Embracing the Holistic Transformation (Charismatic Emphasis) provides insight into this mystery.

  • Unified Perspective: Justification initiates a holistic transformation empowered by the Holy Spirit. The lines between justification (being declared righteous) and sanctification (becoming holy) are fluid due to the experiential nature of faith. Charismatics emphasize the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit in transforming believers’ lives, while Fundamentalists uphold the importance of living out one’s declared righteousness through obedience and spiritual growth. Both perspectives recognize that faith is not merely a legal standing but a living, dynamic relationship that changes us from the inside out.

Glorification: Experiencing the ‘Already and Not Yet’ of God’s Kingdom

“And those whom He justified, He also glorified.” (Romans 8:30)

“Glorified” is derived from doxazō (δοξάζω), meaning to honor or bestow glory. The concept of Already and Not Yet (Inaugurated Eschatology) captures the essence of this mystery.

  • Unified Perspective: Believers experience aspects of glorification now—such as transformation into Christ’s image—while awaiting its fullness in the future. Charismatics often anticipate and experience glimpses of God’s glory through the Holy Spirit’s work, including spiritual gifts and personal transformation. Fundamentalists agree that while ultimate glorification awaits us in eternity, we are currently being renewed and prepared for that future reality. This shared understanding reflects the mystery of living in the tension between what God has already accomplished and what is yet to come.

Embracing Divine Mysteries and Unity in Christ

Throughout these steps, both Charismatic and Fundamentalist traditions share a deep commitment to the truths of Scripture, even as they approach certain doctrines differently. The major issues that arise—such as the nature of foreknowledge, predestination, calling, justification, and glorification—are rooted in divine mysteries that transcend human understanding.

  • Acknowledging Mysteries: Accepting that some aspects of God’s plan are beyond full human comprehension encourages humility and a reliance on God’s wisdom rather than our own.
  • Celebrating Unity: Despite differences, both perspectives are united in the core belief that salvation is a work of God that invites human participation. Recognizing this unity strengthens the body of Christ.
  • Pursuing Understanding: By engaging with these mysteries and exploring various theological insights, we deepen our faith and appreciation for God’s multifaceted work in our lives.

Conclusion: Walking Together in the Journey of Salvation

Contemplating the “Golden Chain of Salvation” invites us to embrace both the certainty of God’s sovereign work and the experiential reality of a relationship with Him. Understanding that God exists outside of time and knows our free will decisions offers profound insight into His foreknowledge and our responsibility.

The Charismatic emphasis on the Holy Spirit’s active role complements the Fundamentalist focus on the authority of Scripture and God’s unchanging nature. Together, they offer a more complete picture of salvation—a divine tapestry woven with threads of mystery, grace, and love.

As we reflect on these profound truths, may we be drawn into a deeper awe of God’s redemptive plan. Let us celebrate the unity we have in Christ, despite our different perspectives, and continue to seek understanding while embracing the mysteries that lead us to worship the One who orchestrates it all.

See Also