Tag Archives: divine teachings

Living the Word

Beloved, as I have walked with our Lord and have borne witness to His divine teachings, let us reflect deeply upon the enduring Word of God and the teachings of our Savior, Jesus Christ. The Lord spoke through Moses, as recorded in Deuteronomy 18:18, promising that He would raise up a Prophet like unto Moses, putting His words into His mouth. Christ, the fulfillment of this prophecy, taught with authority that astonished all, as echoed throughout the Gospels and by those who heard Him speak.

Our Lord’s words, like a sharp sword, as Isaiah 49:2 describes, cut to the heart of matters, revealing truths hidden from the foundation of the world. He spoke of building one’s life on the solid rock of His teachings, as in Matthew 7:24, where He likened those who heed His words to a wise man who built his house upon the rock. His words shall not pass away, as He assured us in Matthew 24:35, for they are the spirit and life, as He declared in John 6:63.

Jesus, in His wisdom, addressed the hearts of men, calling them to look beyond the surface as in Luke 11:39, where He admonished the Pharisees for their outward cleanliness but inner corruption. His teachings often confounded the wise and learned, leaving them marveled and unable to trap Him in His words, as seen in Luke 20:26.

He spoke of love, of unity, and of the indwelling of His words in our hearts, as encouraged in Colossians 3:16, urging us to let the word of Christ dwell in us richly. In His high priestly prayer, as recorded in John 17, He asked not only for those present with Him but for all who would believe, emphasizing the transformative power of His word.

The Word was not only spoken but demonstrated through His actions and miracles, proving His divine authority and fulfilling the words spoken by the prophets, as affirmed in Acts 3:22 and echoed in Hebrews 1:2, where God has in these last days spoken unto us by His Son.

Therefore, my dear children, let us hold fast to the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ, for His words are life to those who find them. Let us dig deeply into the scriptures, for in them we find Christ, and through His words, we learn to live in the truth He has given us. Embrace His teachings, meditate on them day and night, and let them guide your paths, for they are the very breath of life.

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