Tag Archives: distractions

Day Two: God’s Call to Refocus on Him

Beloved, God’s faithfulness is unshakable. Though the mountains crumble and the hills quake, His covenant of peace will never fail (Isaiah 54:10). Like the mountains that surround Jerusalem, El Shaddai surrounds you with His steadfast love and protection, both now and forever (Psalm 125:2). This truth reminds us that no matter the storms or uncertainties we face, the Creator of heaven and earth holds us securely in His hands, calling us to refocus on Him.

Yet, in His unfailing compassion, Yeshua calls us to a deeper walk with Him. He reminds us that our energy, our heart, and our very lives belong to Him. So often, we chase after the fleeting comforts and distractions of this world—things that will one day fade away. But He calls us higher. He calls us to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33), to lay aside the weight of worldly pursuits, and to press into His presence with all our heart, soul, and strength (Deuteronomy 6:4-6), responding to God’s call to refocus on Him.

The mountains, though mighty, stand in awe of His works (Psalm 65:8-9). How much more should we—redeemed by the blood of Yeshua HaMashiach—offer ourselves as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God? (Romans 12:1). This is our true worship: to love the Lord with every ounce of who we are, pursuing Him with undivided hearts, and letting Him renew our minds so we might live according to His perfect will, obedient to God’s call to refocus on Him.

Common sins often weigh us down, keeping us from fully pursuing God’s call on our lives. These include pride, greed, lust, envy, bitterness, laziness, idolatry, and unchecked anger. Even good things like comfort, entertainment, and the pursuit of material wealth can become distractions when they take priority over God. Which of these are distracting you from seeking God’s face and walking more fully in His will? Take a moment to reflect and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal anything in your life that needs to be surrendered to Him, so you can refocus on God’s call.

Let today be a turning point. Lay down every distraction, every sin that entangles, and every idol that has stolen your focus. Set your eyes on Him, the Author and Perfecter of your faith. When you choose to store up treasures in heaven rather than on earth, your heart will overflow with His light, His peace, and His purpose (Matthew 6:19-24) as you heed God’s call to refocus on Him.

God surrounds you, strengthens you, and calls you. Pursue Him. Press in. Give Him your all, and answer His call to refocus on Him.


Abba Father, I come to You, humbled and ready to surrender all that has taken my focus from You. Forgive me for chasing after the temporary when You are eternal. Surround me with Your steadfast love and draw me closer to Your heart. Help me to lay down every distraction and press into Your presence, seeking first Your kingdom and righteousness. Transform my mind and renew my spirit so that my life reflects Your glory. I want more of You and less of me. In Yeshua’s name, Amen.

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