Category Archives: Revival

Holy Longing and Divine Encounter

At an unexpected time, a vision appeared before me, vivid and overwhelming, as if reality itself had given way to the unseen realm. I stood in a vast assembly, surrounded by believers who had gathered with one purpose—to seek the face of God. The air was thick with anticipation, a fragrance of sweet incense rising from the altar, mingling with the aroma of fresh anointing oil that began to flow freely, golden and fragrant, a symbol of the Spirit’s unrestrained presence.

As I breathed in, the scent of oil and incense filled my lungs, and I could feel the warmth of the fire burning deep within my chest. The atmosphere was alive with the sound of many voices, lifted in worship, but not the familiar songs of routine. These were new songs, birthed in the moment, raw and unfiltered, as if each word was being drawn directly from the wells of living water within their souls (John 7:38). The melodies intertwined with the wind that began to stir—soft at first, like a whisper through the trees, then building into a mighty rushing force that caused the very walls to tremble (Acts 2:2).

The ground beneath my feet shook, and I could feel the vibrations moving up through my legs, reverberating in my bones. It was as though the earth itself was responding to the presence of the Almighty. Suddenly, the wind became a torrent, swirling around the assembly, and with it came a fire—holy and fierce, yet not consuming. It descended from above, resting upon each head like tongues of flame, and with the fire came a heat that penetrated to the very core, igniting hearts with a passion that could not be quenched (Acts 2:3).

In the midst of this encounter with the Lord, I looked and saw those who had lived their entire Christian lives in the familiarity of routine, their eyes opening wide in astonishment. They had come expecting the usual—a service they could sleep through, a sermon they could predict, a worship they could endure. But now, they were confronted with the reality of a God who could not be contained by their expectations. The air around them shimmered with the weight of glory, so thick it felt like the very breath of God was filling their lungs.

As I continued to behold the scene, I saw twenty-four elders seated on thrones, clothed in white robes, with crowns of gold upon their heads. Their faces were filled with awe and reverence as they cast their crowns before the throne, crying out, “Worthy are You, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for You created all things, and by Your will they existed and were created” (Revelation 4:10–11). Their voices joined with the sound of the cherubim and seraphim, who flew back and forth with wings covering their faces, crying out with voices that shook the heavens, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come” (Revelation 4:8).

The presence of the elders added to the solemnity of the moment, their worship serving as an example to the gathered assembly. The ground continued to tremble beneath their feet, and the room filled with a thick, fragrant smoke—like the smoke of incense rising before the throne of God. It obscured my vision, yet I could feel the nearness of the Lord, so close it was as if I could reach out and touch Him. The smoke carried with it the scent of burning coals, and I saw them—glowing, fiery coals being brought forth by an angel, who touched them to the lips of the people, purifying them, setting their words on fire with the holiness of God (Isaiah 6:6–7).

The heat of the coals seared through my senses, a holy pain that was at once cleansing and empowering. I felt the fire of God settle upon my heart, burning away every impurity, every doubt, leaving only a desperate hunger for more of Him. The wind of God filled my sails, propelling me forward into the depths of His presence, where time and space no longer mattered, only the reality of the living God who was making Himself known.

And then the Lord spoke, His voice like the sound of many waters, filling the place with a reverberation that shook the very foundations. “Behold, I am coming soon. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled” (Matthew 5:6). The words were a promise, a call to awaken from the slumber of routine, to taste and see that the Lord is good (Psalm 34:8).

As the vision faded, I was left with an insatiable longing—a longing for the real Jesus, the One who cannot be confined by tradition or expectation, the One whose glory fills the temple, whose fire consumes every heart, whose wind carries us into the uncharted territories of His presence. And I knew, with a certainty that could not be shaken, that I needed this God more today than I did yesterday, and I would need Him even more tomorrow. For in this holy encounter, I had tasted the goodness of the Lord, and nothing else would ever satisfy.

A Call to the Lord

Oh, Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come, I call upon Your name. We stand before You, longing to see Your face, to experience Your unrestrained presence. Shake us from the slumber of routine, break through the walls of our expectations, and let Your glory fill our lives like never before. Let Your holy fire rest upon us, purifying our hearts, and let Your wind propel us into the depths of Your love and truth. We hunger and thirst for righteousness, knowing that only You can satisfy the longing of our souls.

Father, I pray that Your Spirit would flow freely among us, that the oil of Your anointing would pour over us, and that we would not settle for anything less than the fullness of Your presence. Fill us with the unexplainable glory of Your majesty, and let the cry of the seraphim and the worship of the elders be the cry of our hearts: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty.” We need You, Lord, more today than we did yesterday, and we will need You even more tomorrow. Draw us closer to You, and let our lives be a testimony of Your unfathomable goodness.

In the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and King, we pray. Amen.

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A Call to This Generation: Return to the Lord

Beloved, I write to you not as one who is distant, but as one who witnesses the light that has come into the world—the light that still shines in the darkness, which the darkness has not overcome. The Lord’s voice echoes through the ages, calling you to return to the Lord. Now is the time.

This generation has grown weary, entangled in the snares of routine and the comforts of complacency. You have known the form of godliness, yet you deny its power. Although you gather in His name, your hearts remain distant from the fire of His love. The Lord longs for you to draw near, to know Him not as a distant figure but as the living God who is close to all who call on Him in truth.

Do not be deceived by empty rituals that offer no life. The Lord desires more than outward expressions; He seeks your heart. As Scripture declares, “Return to Me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning” (Joel 2:12). The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love. He will not turn away from the one who seeks Him with a humble heart. Therefore, return to the Lord.

Oh generation, how long will you slumber in the comfort of predictability? How long will you be satisfied with shadows when the substance of His glory is within your reach? The Lord calls you to wake up, to shake off the dust of apathy, and to rise into the fullness of His light. The day is coming, and indeed it is here, when true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such to worship Him (John 4:23).

You are the temple of the living God, and the Spirit of God dwells in you. How can you be content with anything less than His fullness? The Lord desires to fill His temple with His glory, to reveal His presence in your midst. “And the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle” (Exodus 40:34). He longs to fill your life with His unshakeable presence, to dwell among you as your God, and you as His people. Therefore, return to the Lord and experience His glory.

Let your heart be stirred. Let the coals of heaven touch your lips and purify your words. The Lord calls you to speak His truth with boldness. Let the fire of His Spirit ignite within you a passion that cannot be quenched, for He is a consuming fire (Hebrews 12:29). The Lord calls you to a deeper walk, a life where His Spirit guides every step, where His presence is your constant companion.

Do not delay, for the time is short. The Lord is near, and He calls you to return to the Lord with all your heart. Seek the Lord while He may be found; call upon Him while He is near (Isaiah 55:6). He is faithful and just to forgive you, to cleanse you from all unrighteousness, and to fill you with His Spirit.

Beloved, this is the message we have heard from Him and declare to you: God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all (1 John 1:5). If you walk in the light, as He is in the light, you will have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies you from all sin (1 John 1:7). Return to the Lord, and He will make all things new.

Let your heart be stirred by the presence of God, for the seraphim and cherubim encircle His throne, crying out day and night, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come” (Revelation 4:8). Allow the coals of heaven to touch your lips and purify your words. Let the fire of God rest upon your heart and ignite within you a passion that cannot be quenched. The Lord is calling you into His holy presence, where the angels declare His glory and where His Spirit fills you with life and light.

Let this be the cry of your heart: “Lord, I need You more today than I did yesterday. I am desperate, I am hungry, and I long for the real Jesus. Come, Lord, fill me with Your Spirit, fill me with Your fire, and let Your glory rest upon me.” Amen.

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Behold, the Day is Coming: Prepare for the Glory of God

Behold, the day is coming when God’s glory will shine in its fullness, and every eye will witness the splendor of His grace. The Lord is near, drawing close to His people, preparing hearts for a divine renewal and transformation.

God’s Spirit is Moving Powerfully

The Word of God declares: “I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind; and your sons and your daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions” (Joel 2:28, AMP). This is a season of awakening. God is stirring hearts with holy fire—a fire that ignites passion for His name and fuels His purpose in His people.

In this moment, the call is clear: “Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you” (Isaiah 60:1, AMP). The time to shake off spiritual complacency has arrived. Cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light (Romans 13:12). The night is passing, and the dawn of God’s kingdom draws near.

The Church Must Stand Firm

You are part of a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, called to declare His praises (1 Peter 2:9). The world needs your light, now more than ever. Jesus reminds us, “Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16, AMP).

Stay watchful, beloved, for Jesus promises: “I am with you always, [remaining with you perpetually—regardless of circumstance], even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20, AMP). He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End (Revelation 1:8). His Word will not fail; it will accomplish His perfect will (Isaiah 55:11).

Keep Your Lamps Burning

As the Bridegroom approaches, Jesus warns us to remain prepared: “Be on the alert [stay awake and watch], for you do not know which day your Lord is coming” (Matthew 24:42, AMP). Do not let the distractions of this world dim your focus. Keep your lamps burning bright with unwavering faith. Encourage one another and build each other up (1 Thessalonians 5:11), for the days are short and evil abounds.

The King of Glory is Coming

Rejoice, for the King of Glory is coming with power and majesty! Scripture declares: “Lift up your heads, O gates, and be lifted up, ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in” (Psalm 24:7, AMP). The King is faithful, and His promises endure forever.

Let your life be a testimony to His unfailing love. Stand firm in hope, grounded in His truth, and filled with His peace. As you eagerly await His return, live each day in surrender to His will, declaring boldly, “Come, Lord Jesus” (Revelation 22:20).

A Closing Prayer

Heavenly Father, prepare our hearts for Your glory. Stir within us a holy passion for Your presence. Teach us to stand firm in faith, to shine as lights in a dark world, and to remain watchful for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. May our lives reflect Your love and truth, now and forever. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Focusing on God’s promises, keeping our lamps burning, and standing firm will prepare us for the day of His glory.

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