Beloved, the call to preach God’s salvation and redemption is eternal, stretching from the beginning of days unto eternity. Hear now, for this is the truth that was from the beginning and endures forever: God alone is our salvation and our Redeemer.
From ancient times, the faithful have cried out to Him, waiting in the depths for His deliverance. Like Jacob, who awaited the Lord’s salvation on his deathbed, saying, “I wait for Your salvation, O Lord” (Genesis 49:18), we, too, are invited to trust in the One who delivers. And when Israel, oppressed and fearful, stood at the edge of the Red Sea, God’s salvation shone forth in power, and Moses said, “Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord” (Exodus 14:13). Just as He parted the sea for Israel, so does He make a way through every trial, rescuing us from the hands of darkness.
Jesus, the Light of Salvation
When the fullness of time had come, the Son of God Himself walked among us. As John declared upon seeing Him, “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!”(John 1:29). Jesus, the perfect image of God’s love, came proclaiming repentance and the kingdom of heaven. Like a shepherd searching for a single lost sheep, Jesus called out to the broken, the weary, and the sinful, saying, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Through Him, the salvation of God took flesh and walked among us, a light to those lost in darkness.
How many souls sat in shadows, awaiting this light! He healed the sick, restored sight to the blind, and taught of the kingdom. This, dear reader, is the salvation of God revealed—not in mere words, but in the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ. He came not to condemn but to save, to lift us from sin and give us life. The apostles saw, heard, and touched the Word of Life, and they went forth proclaiming that salvation belongs to our God.
Our Redeemer Lives: The Eternal Hope
And this salvation is not impersonal or distant, for God Himself is also our Redeemer. Job, amidst suffering, cried out in faith, “I know that my Redeemer lives” (Job 19:25). This is the hope we carry—that in the face of trials, there stands One who redeems us. He is near, more faithful than a friend, more constant than the rising sun. David sang of this Redeemer as his rock and fortress, a refuge in every storm (2 Samuel 22:2-3). And Isaiah proclaimed, “Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer…‘I am the Lord, your Savior’” (Isaiah 49:26). The prophets and saints longed for the day when the Redeemer would come, and in Christ, that longing has found its answer.
The Mystery of Redemption and the Gift of Christ
In Jesus, God’s redemption is fulfilled. Paul, seized by the weight of this mystery, wrote, “There is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom for all” (1 Timothy 2:5-6). Imagine, dear reader, the love that moved God to come in flesh, to offer Himself in our place! This is not the redemption of silver or gold but of His own blood, shed for us. Through Him, we are no longer slaves to sin but children of God, called into His kingdom, redeemed by His unfailing love.
He is the Good Shepherd who seeks the lost, lifting us from darkness and setting our feet upon the Rock. As a lost lamb is carried tenderly on a shepherd’s shoulders, so He carries each one who calls on His name. This is our salvation—Christ’s redeeming love that pulls us from death to life.
A Call to Proclaim His Salvation and Redeemer
And now, beloved, we are called to lift our voices, to testify of this salvation. Like the apostles who went forth with boldness, let us proclaim that our Redeemer lives, and His salvation is for all who believe. Let us not be silent, for the world groans in longing, and many walk in darkness. The psalmist sang, “I have proclaimed glad tidings of righteousness in the great assembly” (Psalm 40:9). So must we, with courage and love, lift high the name of Jesus, declaring that salvation belongs to our God.
As a lighthouse beckons ships home, so may our words and deeds draw others to the Redeemer. Be unwavering in your witness, beloved. Stand firm in the truth, for the time is short, and the harvest is great. Go forth, empowered by the Spirit, proclaiming to all that our Redeemer is mighty to save and His love endures forever.
The Urgency of Now
Dearest reader, now is the time. Do not wait, for “now is the acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2). Go, preach, and live this gospel. Let your life be a light, a testimony of the One who has redeemed us from death. And may all who hear know that our Redeemer lives, His salvation endures, and His kingdom shall have no end. Go in His grace, and may His Spirit fill you with boldness and joy, for He who calls us is faithful, and His love never fails.
Heavenly Father, we come before You with humble hearts, grateful for Your unending mercy and grace. We thank You, Lord, for the gift of salvation through Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, who gave His life to bring us out of darkness and into Your glorious light. We stand in awe of Your love, that You would not leave us in our sin but send Your only Son to rescue us, to lift us from the depths and set our feet on solid ground.
Lord, we pray that You would fill our hearts with courage and faith, that we might go forth boldly, proclaiming the truth of Your salvation to a world that so desperately needs You. Strengthen us, Father, to be lights in the darkness, to carry the message of Jesus with love and conviction, to every soul You place in our path. May we not grow weary or fearful, but trust in Your Spirit to guide and empower us every step of the way.
We pray for those who are lost, for those who feel far from Your love. Open their hearts, Lord, that they may see Jesus, the Lamb who takes away the sins of the world. Draw them close, and let them know that there is hope, redemption, and life in Your name. Help us, Father, to be faithful witnesses, that through us, they might come to know the One who is mighty to save.
Father, we surrender ourselves to You. Use us for Your glory, that Your name would be lifted high, and that all might see and know that You alone are God. We thank You for Your promises, for Your unfailing love, and for the assurance that our Redeemer lives. May Your kingdom come, and may Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
In the name of Jesus, our Savior and Redeemer, we pray. Amen.